Currently, we do not offer our films for DVD or online sales.  Each film is carefully exhibited with the aid of a curator who travels with the motion picture and presents a historical prologue, the film screening, and an epilogue that includes an opportunity for the live audience to have questions answered.  We call this presentation the EFFULGENCE EXPERIENCE, and it lasts an hour. In addition, our curator will be available after the formal presentation to answer informal questions. 

Effulgence Foundation Film Request

Name of Host:_______________________________________________________________

Location Address:____________________________________________________________

What date are you interested in reserving?_____________________________________

What film are you interested in showing?_______________________________________

Contact Person Name and Phone Number:_______________________________________

Enriching the Understanding

Fees: The hosting fees for a Film Presentation for 2024- are $850.00. For more information you may call Carol Dorr at 949-702-3811.

Groups that are interested in hosting a presentation may "copy and paste" the request form below and email it to Darrel Dorr at